Similar to the human body, the corporate body has two types of dysfunctional tumors:
the benign or inactive ones, which are often dormant, as well as the malignant or harmful ones
guys who are very dangerous. Both types of dysfunctional cannot be left alone.
devices as they can cause damage to the company.

The group of benign tumors consists of demotivated staff who are not contributing
productively to the company. Some cannot find alternative employment, so
just wait, waiting for the payment during the reduction. Many understood the “dead
woods” in the company’s leftovers after their best colleagues have gone to a greener place
pastures. The situation is unhealthy and counterproductive since some of these people
You can complain excessively, spread rumors, and even sabotage operations through
little productivity. In handling such benign cases, one must turn them on first.
instead of firing them. If possible, motivation and training/development should be attempted.
for maximum performance. These dysfunctional staff are like weeds. if you dont do it
manage them, they will spread rapidly. Also, some of these benign tumors may have
it became malignant and harmful, requiring careful control.

The cases of malignant tumors are the most harmful. As in the case of evil
carcinoma or cancer cells, such personnel are working against the company all the time.
Therefore, you should try to remove this group as soon as possible.

An example of a malignant tumor is personnel with integrity problems who take fragments of
suppliers, distributors or competitors. Malignant tumors are not just a physical disease,
they also imply a negative state of mind. Other cases of malignant tumors include personal
with bad attitudes or incompetence. These staff have a negative mindset that they are
difficult to change and can be detrimental to the company, impeding its progress.

Malignant tumors also include incompetent administrative staff, which perpetuates the
“vicious circle of incompetence” through the hiring of other incompetent staff. Just
Like cancer cells, such tumors will proliferate if they are not removed quickly.

Some companies are slow to take action against these malignancies because
believe in employment for life. Since they don’t want to fire such defaulters
employees, they are instead placed in the “SLEEP” department, which stands for Segregation for
Less effective and efficient staff. In such “cold storage” or “SLEEP” departments,
these staff are still on the payroll but are not assigned any tasks. expected
that these dysfunctional staff will be under pressure to resign rather than be fired.

However, today, companies cannot afford to support underperformers. Tea
The Japanese have learned that lifetime employment does not work in a down market.
It is better to suffer briefly with the initial pain than to remove the malignant tumor quickly
than incur persistent pain and irreversible damage by allowing the cancer to spread
unchecked throughout the entire system.


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