When considering the question of walking vs. running, there are numerous types of factors to consider.

Let’s make this much simpler by listing all the pros and cons of walking vs. running.

running professionals

It is an extremely fast way to get in shape.

it’s relatively cheap to make

It’s simple, you don’t need any distinctive skills or talents.

You will get a real high after finishing your runs.

running negatives

It’s usually too much for newbies and anyone who is heavy.

It puts a great deal of stress on the joints of the ankles, knees, hips, and lower back.

You’ll need to get a high-quality (often expensive) pair of sneakers

Most people don’t indulge in the feeling of forcing themselves out of their comfort zone that far.

gait professionals

You can walk anywhere and anytime.

If you’re struggling to adjust to a walk one day, it’s very easy to increase your steps by walking around your house.

Actually, you don’t need to have any specialized accessories

Your walking workouts start every time you walk out the front door

You don’t need to sweat or work very hard.

You can work at different intensities for the way you feel.

It’s an exceptionally satisfying type of exercise that’s also very social.

Disadvantages for walking

It is considered ‘too easy’

You have to be consistent to see results

The fitness benefits will not be as quick as with other physical activities.

When you’re reviewing walking vs. running, it’s a good idea to think about your past experiences with exercise and what you really enjoy or don’t like about it. If you prefer to push yourself to the limit, then you might instantly think that running is the only option.

However, this is far from the truth.

You might consider using power gait level 4 or possibly walking briskly up a difficult incline on a hill or on a treadmill. I promise you that if you walk as fast as you can on the steepest incline you can use, you will end up wrecked.

When comparing walking vs. running regarding which is the most powerful option for weight loss, I advise looking at it this way. A lot of people would run maybe a couple of times a week to start out and have success running a maximum of 5 minutes total. This could burn approximately 150 – 200 calories from fat.

However, if they instead went for regular walks for half an hour at a time, they would burn significantly more calories, up to 1,400 per week, depending on how fast and on what surface they walked.

So there are many reasons to consider before choosing to walk or run, it’s not necessarily the obvious choice you may think of.


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