Whether you sell pond or pool equipment or are looking for a water leveler to maintain the water level in your pool, pond, fountain, hot tub, or water garden, here are some important facts that could eventually save you time and money. .

There are over 130 mechanical water levelers on the market today and most of them have a propensity to rust, corrode, break, stick, stick, or simply malfunction. Many of them resemble toilet tank type floats ranging from a simple mechanical float arm and brass or plastic valve, to 16 plastic, metal or brass parts, all of which could become a source of malfunction. from valvule. You can even log on to a website and take a course called Toilet Tank Valve Repair 101. Toilet Tank Water Leveler Valve-University: Now there’s a goal for the “Lion Heartedless”!

Ok, ready for an instant quiz? (Just checking if you are paying attention) Question: Are mechanical water leveling devices good to trust your pond, pool, fountain or hot tub? Question: Do you want to sell a product to a customer that has the potential to cause hundreds if not thousands of dollars in flood damage by getting stuck in the open position? Some of these cheap leveling valves aren’t that cheap, ranging from $8 to $150, and some are $60 to $80 plastic controllers that connect to a garden hose and hang over the side of a pool or pond.

The most reliable water level controllers are electronic ones sold by Levelor, Pentair, Savio, Jandy, or AquaFill. These auto-fill devices range in price from $60 to over $400 with warranties ranging from 1 to 5 years; and not many offer 100% satisfaction guaranteed or your money back. When shopping, look for one that is hermetically sealed so it won’t be susceptible to condensation with drastic changes in temperature or exposure to corrosive salty ocean air. The least reliable electronic water levelers are the type that reads the water level by measuring the resistance of the water with two electrodes because the probes can be corroded by acidic, alkaline, or chlorinated water.

Choose a water leveler that can be easily concealed in a skimmer or on rocks along the edge of a pond or mounted in a remote holding basin outside of a fountain, fountain pot or container garden. A reliable automatic water leveler can be a convenient time-saving, water-saving, and money-saving addition to any water source. A poorly designed or engineered device can end up being the source of an expensive insurance claim or a lawsuit for a nasty overflow and subsequent flooding. Be wise, be dry, be level.


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