As individual citizens, whether we are called (to the stand) as witnesses or, as jurors, we must take an oath, declaring that we will tell the truth (in the first case) or, honestly, fairly, we will do our duty, to Objectively review the evidence (without prejudice and / or personal prejudice), under penalty of law. If we lie, under oath, we run the risk of being charged with perjury and receiving severe penalties and ramifications. Likewise, according to the process used to judge a president (or any other person), who has been indicted by the House of Representatives, every senator must take an oath, both orally and in writing, proclaiming that in a fair, objective manner and without prejudice, listen to the evidence presented and make a fair and informed decision or judgment. With that in mind, this article will briefly attempt to consider, examine, review, and discuss, using the mnemonic approach, what OATH it must mean, and why, it is the responsibility of each voter, to make better demands of their elected officials.

one. Options; obvious; original; opportunities; open; objectively offends: This process must mean that the Senators, who act as Juries, in this scenario, must proceed, objectively, openly, and be offended by any holder, who takes advantage of their personal responsibility, for their personal / political agenda, and / or self-interest! They must proceed, with an open mind, considering options and making decisions that consider both the obvious, the covert, and the open. They should be original thinkers, rather than just party tricks. This should be the time, when every opportunity is taken, to shine and clearly demonstrate why and how America should be an example of democratic principles!

two. Attitude; attention: We need to be represented by individuals, with positive attitudes, to be able to do, who pay close attention, both to the information, that supports the accused, and much less flattering, with an objective, fair perspective and the focus of a jury, in a trial. regular! Politics must be secondary to the pursuit of justice, in the best interest of the nation, the world, and our citizens!

3. Dependable; truth; temptations: Following the path of least resistance and politically expedient can be tempting and attractive, especially from a short-term, self-interest-based perspective! However, we need senators, who follow their oath, reliably, fully articulate the truth, and prioritize the service of the nation.

Four. Honor; honorable; human; heart head: Isn’t it time, we demand, from our elected officials to restore the honor of holding elected office and to handle these grim responsibilities, in a truly honorable way? If and when someone dishonors their office, the human focus should be to demand that each Senator use their best emotional and logical components, in a balance between the head and the heart!

Wake up, America, because the only way we protect the fundamentals of this nation, in a relevant and sustainable way, is to require elected officials to honor their duties, responsibilities, oaths, and obligations to the nation and its constituents! Will you demand that they honor their OATH?


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