What causes error 1935 in Windows 7 and how you can correct this error that appears every time you try to install certain applications such as Visual Studio, Microsoft Office, and other .Net applications that use the Windows Installer MSIAssembly. Microsoft-related literature describes that this error can be caused by various reasons, such as the presence of orphan registry keys. To fix Windows 7 error 1935, you may need to clean your system registry.

Although you can manually remove invalid registry keys from your computer, it is not recommended for basic computer users. For these users, good system cleaning software with registry cleaning function can be of great help.

Here are the steps you need to take to fix error 1935 in Windows 7:

> Repair the Windows 7 registry with a good registry repair software that has the function of automatically creating a registry backup so that you can revert your system to an earlier stage in case the registry repair produces any other changes junk on your PC. The registry in Windows 7 is a very important component that is the key to successfully running all computer programs. Stores information about all computer programs, software, and hardware. An error in the Windows registry can cause various errors on your PC.

> Mainly, the error 1935 in Windows 7 is due to internal errors in the system. In addition to running the registry repair scan, it is also helpful to clean the system junk and defragment the Windows 7 registry with reliable software. Defragmenting the registry is something different than cleaning the registry. In registry defragmentation, sparse and fragmented registry keys are organized to allow programs to run without errors or crashes.

> Remove .Net framework from your computer and then reinstall the latest version. You can find the recent version of .Net on the official Microsoft website.

> Repair Mscoree.dll: Most 1935 errors occur in Windows 7 and are caused by corruption in the Mccoree.dll file. To fix Windows 7 error 1935, it is recommended that you run the registry repair scan to fix dll issues.

> Remove previous versions of corrupted applications and programs, such as Visual Studio or Microsoft Office. Now try reinstalling your chosen program. It may be that in this way the installation error will not appear again.

It is important that you create a restore point before following these steps.


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