a flaming beauty

One of the most prized fish a collector can have in their aquarium is the rare and beautiful red arowana. Long considered by the Chinese to be the symbol of wealth and prosperity and a provider of positive Feng Shui energy, these large fish are in high demand in China and the rest of Asia. Other people like to have these fish around because of their perceived “magical” properties (Arowana are believed to hear the approach of death and give their own lives to prevent the death of their owner) and others just like to watch. the flame-shaped fish dance around their aquariums.

Unfortunately, this request has caused a severe decline in the number of red arowanas in the wild. Found naturally only on the islands of Sumatra and Borneo, these fish are experiencing a rapid decline in numbers due to habitat loss and overexploitation. It is good that conservation efforts have intensified with the construction of fish farms that breed these and other endangered species, thus conserving them for future generations. These farms also ensure a constant and legal supply of Asian arowanas for collectors.

The red arowana, like all other arowanas, eats exclusively meat. Captive arowanas must be fed a steady diet of fish or insects to keep them in tip-top shape. Certain foods, such as shrimp, can help promote and enhance the color of the fish. Collectors should also note that these fish are good jumpers (some have been known to jump up to 6 heights out of water to catch food) and therefore keep a heavy lid on their tank. With proper care and maintenance, arowana owners could keep their beautiful fish for a long time.


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