The art of cutting hair

Haircutting is an art of shaping hair using implements. Both men and women have their different styles of haircuts based on their culture, social status, and personal taste. The most important component of the cut is the tool. Various tools like scissors, shears, and razors…

Cream of Tartar for Candida

Candida overgrowth, known as candidiasis, occurs when Candida yeast is allowed to overgrow in the intestines, usually due to a weakened immune system that can no longer control its growth. It is quite a serious condition and should be treated as such. If left untreated,…

The best treatments for acne scars

Adolescence can be a confusing time as a person is going through many physical and emotional changes. Studies are also getting tough and everyone is starting to expect more responsible behavior which is not always easy. Acne has the characteristic of appearing suddenly and can…