We all have a sweet tooth for chocolates. But regular chocolates contain fats that make us unnecessarily fat, while dark chocolate is different. It is actually made with a host of healthy nutrients that not only satisfy our cravings for sweets but also improve our health in many ways.

  • How is dark chocolate different from regular chocolates?

The basic ingredient in all chocolate products is Cacao or cocoa. However, the milk content in regular chocolate is much higher than in dark chocolate, making it unhealthy. The cocoa content in dark chocolates is less, making it bitter. It is said that bitter chocolate, better chocolate. Dark chocolates with 70% or more cocoa must be consumed to reap the health benefits.

Dark chocolate contains nutrients such as iron, magnesium, copper, zinc, manganese, potassium, phosphorus, and selenium. Different nutrients affect our bodies differently and some of the health benefits of chocolates are mentioned below:

Healthy heart:-

Consuming dark chocolate can keep your heart healthy and happy. Being rich in nutrients such as magnesium, chocolate opens the blood vessels and regulates the heart rate, which improves the cardiovascular system of our body.

Cholesterol: –

The amount of sugar present in chocolate does not cause any harm to our body. They help regulate blood sugar levels and also reduce bad cholesterol levels in the arteries and heart.

Skin care:-

Dark chocolate keeps the skin protected from the skin’s harmful UV rays, thus reducing the chances of sunburn and skin cancer. Helps keep our skin soft, healthy and glowing. You can also make a chocolate and caffeine mask, which will remove dead skin cells.

Hair care:-

It is known to reduce hair fall, promote hair growth and volume, and also treat scalp infections by promoting good blood circulation to the scalp.

Reduce stress:-

Dark chocolate is known to be a stress buster. When consumed, they release endorphins that help reduce stress and anxiety levels in our body, thus helping us to relax.

Other benefits: –

They help normalize blood pressure levels, improve eyesight, prevent asthma attacks, fight cavities, cure anemia, prevent strokes, get stronger, and improve stamina.

  • How to select and store dark chocolates?

Dark chocolates are available everywhere, online and in stores. It is always better to buy in stores so that they can be checked before making the purchase. The texture should be smooth and should not contain blemishes or spots. Chocolates should always be stored in cool, dry places, away from direct sunlight.

Eating chocolate several times a week is a good way to stay healthy, but consuming it in excessive amounts can upset your stomach and damage your body and heart. If you are on a diet but have a sweet tooth, then consuming chocolates in a limited quantity will surely make you happy. Also, many dark chocolate recipes are available online.


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