Medicare braces are important medical equipment used by elderly people, especially those who have severe back pain, arthritis, scoliosis, or pain in any other part of the body. These braces help reduce pain significantly so they can walk, run and perform other life activities easily. However, braces are quite expensive and not everyone can afford them. However, if you have Medicare insurance, you can buy Medicare braces at little or no cost.

How to Buy Medicare Braces?

If you’ve pain in your back, knee, shoulder, neck, or ankle, a medical brace will provide you with the best non-invasive therapy. However, acquiring a brace is not as simple as going to a store, paying the bill, and picking it up. First, you need to understand why you need a brace, which brace is suitable for your pain, and most importantly how to buy Medicare braces that will cost you low.

Here in this blog, we will cover how to buy Medicare braces easily without any hassle.

Let’s begin.

1. If you’re a Medicare Beneficiary

If you’re a Medicare beneficiary and have plan B, you’re qualified to buy Medicare braces at a low cost. Medicare part B cover braces under the Durable Medical Equipment (DME) program.
It will cover 80% of the total cost of the Medicare braces and you’ll have to pay the remaining 20%.

2. If You’re Not a Medicare Beneficiary

If you’re not a Medicare beneficiary then you either need to get Medicare insurance or a prescription from a Medicare-enrolled doctor. If you’re experiencing pain in any part of the body, your doctor will evaluate your condition. They will recommend a brace if they deem it necessary for your treatment.

Where to buy Medicare Braces online?

Once you’ve decided which brace is right for your condition, you might look for an authentic Medicare-approved supplier that will provide you with high-quality back braces, knee immobilizer brace, and other extremity braces at your doorstep. One of the most trusted and reliable Medicare Braces suppliers is Daphco which serves thousands of patients across the US. They help patients to choose the right brace suitable for their conditions and deliver them as soon as possible.

A lot of patients ask does Medicare cover braces for all body types and the answer is yes. Medicare provides durable medical equipment for the back, knee, shoulder, neck, ankle, and wrist. However, you should remember that Medicare only covers durable medical equipment — sturdy equipment that will hold up for more than 3 years. Medicare doesn’t cover bandages, sleeves, and wraparounds – which are less likely to hold up for up to 3 years.

What is DME?

Medicare provides braces and support to beneficiaries under its DME program. DME stands for durable medical equipment. This means Medicare provides durable equipment which is capable of holding for up to 3 years. Soft equipment such as bandages is not covered under Medicare. Moreover, you should also remember that Medicare does not cover all types of braces. It only pays for those braces which are required to treat medical conditions. One may also get wheelchairs, walking supports, and support beds under the Medicare DME program.

Beware Of the Scams

When looking to buy Medicare braces online, beware of scams because many incidents have been reported of people being scammed through emails, text messages, and phone calls. So if someone contacts you claiming they are a Medicare supplier, asking for your personal details, make sure you don’t fall for such scams.

Note: An authentic Medicare supplier will never ask for sensitive information on call or email. Always check for authenticity before sharing any details. 


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